In this guide we show step-by-step an integration of Things On Edge - Cricket Wi-Fi module to ThingsBoard. In a few steps we make a Wi-Fi battery powered sensor and visualise its data in ThingsBoard without coding and programing. It can be any type of sensor but in this sample we make a Temperature sensor.
We walk through the following steps:
1) Making a battery powered Wi-Fi sensor
2) Connecting the sensor to WiFi network
3) Configuring the sensor to send data to ThingsBoard
Things On Edge
Things On Edge designs an easy to use, ultra-low power Cricket Wi-Fi modules. They are designed to make fast & easy IOT end nodes such as sensors, buttons, switches etc.; power them directly on batteries for a very long time; and integrate to a huge ecosystem of software and internet services. All this without writing a single line of code.
- Things On Edge - Cricket Wi-Fi module
- 2xAAA battery holder
- 2xAAA batteries
Make a battery powered Wi-Fi sensor
Cricket WiFi module comes with a built-in temperature sensor. In this example we do not need any other hardware peripherals. However, in order to get more accurate temperature readings it is highly recommended to use external sensors e.g. DS18B20/+
In this example we simply attach batteries to the Cricket Wi-Fi module and the device is ready to go. Note: please use fresh and good quality batteries e.g. Duracel, Energizer
Connect Cricket to Wi-Fi network
Configure Cricket to send data to ThingsBoard
Now we can configure Cricket to transmit the temperature readings to ThingsBoard.
Cricket supports both MQTT and HTTP protocols and we are going to use the HTTP protocol for the integration. We have to make sure we have the Access Token from ThingsBoard as shown below:
Now we can go back again to Cricket’s Config panel and complete the configuration.
A complete URL, which we are going to use to send data to ThingsBoard should look like this: YOUR TOKEN HERE/telemetry
We also define the following payload format:
Where #temp tag is automatically replaced with the temperature value prior it is sent out to ThingsBoard.
A complete Cricket’s configuration can look like below:
Once Cricket is configured we must exit from the Config panel by pressing the reset button in the top-right corner as shown on the image below.
If we configured our device as shown above the device will be sending data to ThingsBoard every 10 minutes. The data is presented on the graph as shown below:
Additional information
Cricket Wi-Fi module - Documentation
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Next steps
Getting started guides - These guides provide quick overview of main ThingsBoard features. Designed to be completed in 15-30 minutes.
Connect your device - Learn how to connect devices based on your connectivity technology or solution.
Data visualization - These guides contain instructions on how to configure complex ThingsBoard dashboards.
Data processing & actions - Learn how to use ThingsBoard Rule Engine.
IoT Data analytics - Learn how to use rule engine to perform basic analytics tasks.
Advanced features - Learn about advanced ThingsBoard features.
Contribution and Development - Learn about contribution and development in ThingsBoard.