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This article contains instructions on how to configure ThingsBoard IoT platform and connect Roltek DC620 device. ThingsBoard IoT platform is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. It enables device connectivity via industry standard IoT protocols - MQTT, CoAP and HTTP and supports both cloud and on-premises deployments. ThingsBoard combines scalability, fault-tolerance and performance so you will never lose your data.

Create Device On Thingsboard

Login to your ThingsBoard platform and ppen “Devices” page.


Click “plus” button then click “Add new device” button to add new device. Enter name for your device. Then click “Next: Credentials” button;


Enable “Add credentials” option. Enter the desirable Access Token and click “Add” button to save changes.


Configuring Roltek DC620

First connect your device to the Internet via WiFi or Ethernet as described in the user manual.

On the “MQTT Settings” page:

  • Set “MQTT Mode” to enable;
  • Enter your Thingsboard Server hostname or IP to “MQTT Broker URI”;
  • Enter your Access Token to “MQTT Broker Username”;
  • Click Save button.


Users can add Nodes and Tags as described in the user manual. In this demo we will work with device’s default node and tags.

On the Rules page navigate to the MQTT Payloads tab and click Add MQTT Payload button.


In new window enter values:

  • Select Payload Type - JSON;
  • Enter “{” to Header;
  • Enter “$V”:#V to Pattern;
  • Enter “,” to Seperator;
  • Enter “}” to Ending;
  • Click Save button.


On the Rules page navigate to the MQTT Publishers tab and click Add MQTT Publisher button.


In new window enter values:

  • Enter publish period you want to Period;
  • Choose QoS option you want;
  • Choose Retain value you want;
  • Enter “v1/devices/me/telemetry” to Topic;
  • Choose Payload we previously added. (1 in this case);
  • Select tag or tags you want to publish;
  • Click Save button.


Adding Widget to the Dashboard

The collected data can be displayed using various widgets. To create one you should be able to see gathered data in the Latest telemetry section.

To access it you should follow these steps:

  • Go to the Devices on the left menu;
  • Select previously configure device;
  • Navigate to the Latest Telemetry tab;
  • Click on the gathered data row;
  • Press Show on widget button.


Choose widget bundle accordingly to your data. Choose suitable chart for your data visualization. Click “Add to dashboard” button.


Now select “Create new dashboard”. Mark “Open dashboard” (with this option enabled after addition you will be redirected to newly created dashboard) and click “Add” to create new dashboard.



Next steps