- Prepare for upgrading ThingsBoard Edge
- Upgrading to 3.9.1EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.9EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.8EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.7EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.6.4EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.6.3EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.6.2EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.6.1EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.6.0EDGE
- Upgrading to
- Upgrading to 3.5.1EDGE
- Upgrading to 3.5.0EDGE
Before upgrading ThingsBoard Edge, ensure that ThingsBoard Server is updated to the latest version.
Additionally, verify that the ThingsBoard Edge and ThingsBoard Server versions are compatible.
Prepare for upgrading ThingsBoard Edge
Ubuntu/CentOS/Raspberry Pi
Stop ThingsBoard Edge service:
sudo systemctl stop tb-edge
Backup Database
Make a backup of the database before upgrading.
Make sure you have enough space to place a backup of the database
Check database size
sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_database_size('tb_edge') );"
Check free space
df -h /
If there is enough free space - make a backup.
sudo -Hiu postgres pg_dump tb_edge > tb_edge.sql.bak
Check backup file created successfully.
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the docker-compose.yml
file and execute the following command to stop and remove currently running TB Edge container:
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Backup Database Volume
Make a copy of the database volume before upgrading:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
Backup Database Bind Mount Folder (deprecated)
If you are still using Docker bind mount folders, please ensure to make a copy of the database folder before proceeding with the upgrade:
sudo cp -r ~/.mytb-edge-data/db ~/.mytb-edge-db-BACKUP
Stop ThingsBoard Edge service:
net stop tb-edge
Backup Database
Launch the “pgAdmin” software and login as superuser (postgres). Open your server and create backup of database tb_edge using ‘Backup Dialog’ functionality of “pgAdmin”.
Upgrading to 3.9.1EDGE
Ubuntu/CentOS/Raspberry Pi
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.9EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard 3.9.0EDGE version.
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Backup Database
Before upgrading, make a copy of the database volume:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.9.0EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.9.1EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.9EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.9.1.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.9EDGE
Ubuntu/CentOS/Raspberry Pi
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.8EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.8.0
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard 3.8.0EDGE version.
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Backup Database
Before upgrading, make a copy of the database volume:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.8.0EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.9.0EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.8EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.9.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.8.0
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.8EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.7EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.7.0
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard 3.7.0EDGE version.
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Backup Database
Before upgrading, make a copy of the database volume:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.7.0EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.8.0EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.7EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.8.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.7.0
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.7EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.4EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.6.4
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard 3.6.4EDGE version.
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Backup Database
Before upgrading, make a copy of the database volume:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.4EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.7.0EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.4EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.7.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.6.4
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.6.4EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.3EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.6.3
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard 3.6.3EDGE version.
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Backup Database
Before upgrading, make a copy of the database volume:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.3EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.4EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.3EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.6.4.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.6.3
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.6.3EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.2EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.6.2
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard 3.6.2EDGE version.
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Backup Database
Before upgrading, make a copy of the database volume:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.2EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.3EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.2EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.6.3.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.6.2
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.6.2EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.1EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.6.1
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.1EDGE version.
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
Migrating Data from Docker Bind Mount Folders to Docker Volumes
Starting with the 3.6.2EDGE release, the ThingsBoard team has moved from using Docker bind mount folders to Docker volumes. The goal of this change is to improve security and efficiency when storing data for Docker containers, and to mitigate permissions issues in different environments.
To migrate from Docker bind mounts to Docker volumes, please execute the following commands:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-data:/volume -v ~/.mytb-edge-data:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /backup/. /volume"
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-logs:/volume -v ~/.mytb-edge-logs:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /backup/. /volume"
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/volume -v ~/.mytb-edge-data/db:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /backup/. /volume"
After the data migration to the newly created Docker volumes is complete, you’ll need to update the volume mounts in your Docker Compose configuration. Modify the `docker-compose.yml’ file for ThingsBoard Edge to update the volume settings.
First, please update docker compose file version. Find the next snippet:
version: '3.0'
And replace it with:
version: '3.8'
Then update the volume mounts. Locate the following snippet:
- ~/.mytb-edge-data:/data
- ~/.mytb-edge-logs:/var/log/tb-edge
And replace it with:
- tb-edge-data:/data
- tb-edge-logs:/var/log/tb-edge
Apply a similar update to the PostgreSQL service. Locate the section:
- ~/.mytb-edge-data/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
And replace it with:
- tb-edge-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
Finally, add the following volume section to the end of the file:
name: tb-edge-data
name: tb-edge-logs
name: tb-edge-postgres-data
Backup Database
Before upgrading, make a copy of the database volume:
docker run --rm -v tb-edge-postgres-data:/source -v tb-edge-postgres-data-backup:/backup busybox sh -c "cp -a /source/. /backup"
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.1EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.2EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.1EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.6.2.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.6.1
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.6.1EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.0EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.6.0
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.0EDGE version.
Execute the following command to pull 3.6.1EDGE image:
docker pull thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.1EDGE
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.0EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.1EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose , run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.6.0EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.6.1.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.6.0
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.6.0EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.5.1
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge version.
Execute the following command to pull 3.6.0EDGE image:
docker pull thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.0EDGE
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.6.0EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose , run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.6.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.5.1
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.5.1EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.5.1EDGE version.
Execute the following command to pull image:
docker pull thingsboard/tb-edge:
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.5.1EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose , run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.5.1EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.5.1EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.5.0EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.5.0
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.5.0EDGE version.
Execute the following command to pull 3.5.1EDGE image:
docker pull thingsboard/tb-edge:3.5.1EDGE
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.5.0EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.5.1EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose , run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.5.0EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.5.1.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.5.0
Start the service
net start tb-edge
Upgrading to 3.5.0EDGE
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.4.3EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running.
sudo service tb-edge stop
NOTE: Package installer may ask you to merge your tb-edge configuration. It is preferred to use merge option to make sure that all your previous parameters will not be overwritten.
Execute regular upgrade script:
sudo /usr/share/tb-edge/bin/install/upgrade.sh --fromVersion=3.4.3
Start the service
sudo service tb-edge start
Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.4.3EDGE version.
Execute the following command to pull 3.5.0EDGE image:
docker pull thingsboard/tb-edge:3.5.0EDGE
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the “docker-compose.yml” file, and run the following command to stop and remove the currently running TB Edge container (if it’s still running):
docker compose stop && docker compose rm mytbedge -f
The next step creates a docker compose file for the ThingsBoard Edge upgrade process and runs the upgrade. Once the upgrade process is successfully completed, the TB Edge upgrade container is automatically stopped:
Modify the main docker compose file (docker-compose.yml) for ThingsBoard Edge and update the image version:
sed -i 's|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.4.3EDGE|thingsboard/tb-edge:3.5.0EDGE|' docker-compose.yml
To start this docker compose , run the following command:
docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f mytbedge
NOTE: These steps are applicable for ThingsBoard Edge 3.4.3EDGE version.
ThingsBoard Edge package download
Download ThingsBoard Edge package for Windows: tb-edge-windows-3.5.zip.
ThingsBoard Edge service upgrade
- Stop ThingsBoard Edge service if it is running:
net stop tb-edge
Make a backup of previous ThingsBoard Edge configuration located in <ThingsBoard Edge install dir>\conf (for example: C:\tb-edge\conf).
Extract ThingsBoard Edge package.
Compare and merge your old ThingsBoard Edge configuration files (from the backup you made in the previous step) with new ones.
Finally, run upgrade.bat script to upgrade ThingsBoard Edge to the new version.
NOTE Scripts listed below should be executed using Administrator Role.
Execute regular upgrade script:
C:\tb-edge>upgrade.bat --fromVersion=3.4.3
Start the service
net start tb-edge