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ThingsBoard provides interactive REST API documentation via Swagger UI. This tool allows you to explore available API methods, understand their parameters, and execute API requests directly from your browser.

Where to find Swagger UI?

Every ThingsBoard instance has its own Swagger UI page, accessible at:


*Replace $THINGSBOARD_HOST:PORT with your actual ThingsBoard server address.

For example, you may browse Community Edition demo server API documentation using the Swagger UI link.

How to authenticate in Swagger UI?

  • If you are already logged in via the main ThingsBoard login page, Swagger UI will automatically use your credentials.
  • You can manually authenticate or authorize as a different user using the “Authorize” button in the top-right corner of the Swagger page. Enter the username and password. Then, click “Authorize”.

See Live Demo ThingsBoard page for more details how to get your account.

How API authentication works?

ThingsBoard uses JWT tokens for representing claims securely between the API client (browser, scripts, etc) and the platform. When you login to the platform, your username and password is exchanged to the pair of tokens.

  • Access Token (JWT) – short-lived token, used for executing API calls.
  • Refresh Token – used to obtain a new access token when the current one expires.

The expiration time of main and refresh tokens is configurable in system settings via JWT_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME and JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME parameters.

Default token expiration:

  • Access Token is valid for 2.5 hours.
  • Refresh Token is valid for 1 week.

How to obtain a JWT token?

To obtain a JWT token for the user “[email protected]” with password “tenant” on “$THINGSBOARD_URL” (actual ThingsBoard server address), execute the following command:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
             --header 'Accept: application/json' \
             -d '{"username":"[email protected]", "password":"tenant"}' \


{"token":"$YOUR_JWT_TOKEN", "refreshToken":"$YOUR_JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN"}

Once authenticated, use the obtained JWT token in the X-Authorization header for all API requests:

X-Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_JWT_TOKEN

Additional tools

For easier integration with the ThingsBoard API, you can use ThingsBoard team client libraries:

These clients allow you to create devices, assets, users, and other entities, as well as manage their relationships within ThingsBoard.