This documentation will help you set up the OPC-UA connector for the ThingsBoard IoT Gateway. We’ll explain the configuration
parameters in simple terms to make it easy for you to understand and follow. The OPC-UA (Open Platform Communications
Unified Architecture) is a machine-to-machine communication protocol for industrial automation, and this connector
allows seamless integration with the ThingsBoard platform.
Use general configuration to enable this extension.
We will describe the connector configuration below.
Please note: If you are new to IoT Gateway, use the “Basic” configuration mode. If you are familiar with configuring IoT Gateway, you can use the “Advanced” configuration mode.
Connector configuration
The connector configuration is a user interface form that helps you set up a connection to OPC-UA server.
Let’s look at all the available settings and explain each one clearly. This will help you understand how
everything works.
Please note: To access the actual UI for the gateway - you need to a have connected gateway before adding a connector. Otherwise, you will see the old UI.
Section “General”
This configuration section contains general connector settings, such as:
Name - connector name used for logs and saving to persistent devices;
Logs configuration:
Enable remote logging - enables remote logging for the connector;
Logging level - logging level for local and remote logs: NONE, ERROR, CRITICAL, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE;
Send data only on change - sends data only it has changed since the last check, otherwise – data will be sent after every check;
Report strategy - strategy for sending data to ThingsBoard:
Report period - period for sending data to ThingsBoard in milliseconds;
Type - type of the report strategy:
On report period - sends data to ThingsBoard after the report period;
On value change - sends data to ThingsBoard when the value changes;
On value change and report period - sends data to ThingsBoard when the value changes or after the report period;
On received - sends data to ThingsBoard after receiving data from the device (default strategy).
Additional information about the report strategy can be found here.
The General tab in settings is the same for both the basic and advanced configurations.
Section “Server”
The configuration in this section is used to connect to the OPC-UA server.
Scan period in milliseconds - period in milliseconds to rescan the server;
Poll period - period in milliseconds to poll the server;
Subscription check period in milliseconds - period to check the subscriptions in the OPC-UA server;
Enable subscription - if true - the gateway will subscribe to interesting nodes and wait for data update and if false - the gateway will rescan OPC-UA server every scanPeriodInMillis;
Show map - show nodes on scanning true or false.
Default value
Hostname or ip address of OPC-UA server.
Timeout in seconds for connecting to OPC-UA server.
Period in milliseconds to rescan the server.
Period in milliseconds to poll the server.
If true - the gateway will subscribe to interesting nodes and wait for data update and if false - the gateway will rescan OPC-UA server every scanPeriodInMillis.
Period to check the subscriptions in the OPC-UA server.
Let’s look at an example.
This example uses the Prosys OPC-UA Simulation Server to demonstrate how to configure the OPC-UA connector.
On the main “Status” tab, copy connection address (UA TCP).
To connect your OPC-UA server to ThingsBoard, open the OPC-UA Connector configuration file (opcua.json) and replace the “url” value with the copied connection address.
OPC-UA server connections offer three distinct security types:
Anonymous - the simplest option of identity;
Basic - using this option, you can provide the username and password to connect to the OPC-UA server;
Certificates - the safest option of identity. Using this option, you can also provide path on machine with the gateway to certificate, private key and CA certificate. Optionally, you can provide the username/password pair.
Anonymous - the simplest option of identity;
Basic - using this option, you can provide the username and password to connect to the OPC-UA server;
Certificates - the safest option of identity. Using this option, you can also provide path on machine with the gateway to certificate, private key and CA certificate. Optionally, you can provide the username/password pair.
There are several types available for this subsection:
The configuration in this subsection provides settings for processing data from OPC-UA node. These settings will be
interpreted in ThingsBoard platform instance as attributes/time series of the device.
To add new time series or attribute key, follow these steps:
Click the “pencil” icon in the “Attributes” section to add new attribute key;
Click on “Add attribute” in the opened window;
Enter the “Key” field, select the “Type” (can be path, identifier or constant), enter “Value” and click “Apply” button;
Now click on the “pencil” icon in the “Time series” section to add new time series key;
Click on “Add time series” in the opened window;
Enter the “Key” field, select the “Type” (can be path, identifier or constant), enter “Value” and click “Apply” button.
Click the “pencil” icon in the “Attributes” section to add new attribute key;
Click on “Add attribute” in the opened window;
Enter the “Key” field, select the “Type” (can be path, identifier or constant), enter “Value” and click “Apply” button;
Now click on the “pencil” icon in the “Time series” section to add new time series key;
Click on “Add time series” in the opened window;
Enter the “Key” field, select the “Type” (can be path, identifier or constant), enter “Value” and click “Apply” button.
You can enable a specific report strategy for each time series or attribute. This strategy defines how often
data is sent to the ThingsBoard server. The following strategies are available:
On report period - sends data to ThingsBoard after the report period;
On value change - sends data to ThingsBoard when the value changes;
On value change and report period - sends data to ThingsBoard when the value changes or after the report period;
On received - sends data to ThingsBoard after receiving data from the device (default strategy).
Additional information about the report strategy can be found here.
Default value
temperature °C
Tag, that will be interpreted as telemetry for ThingsBoard platform instance.
Source of the value (can be path, identifier or constant).
You should be able to see the telemetry you have sent to ThingsBoard in the Latest telemetry section of your device:
Subsection “Attribute updates”
This subsection contains configuration for attribute updates request from ThingsBoard platform instance.
ThingsBoard allows the provisioning of device attributes and fetches some of them from
the device application. You can treat this as a remote configuration for devices, enabling them to request
shared attributes from ThingsBoard. See user guide for more details.
In order to add new RPC method, follow these steps:
Click the “pencil” icon in the “RPC methods” section to add new RPC method;
Click on “Add method” in the opened window;
Fill in “Method name” field. If the method has arguments, click on “Add argument” button and select the type of argument. Fill in the “Value” field and click “Apply” button.
Click the “pencil” icon in the “RPC methods” section to add new RPC method;
Click on “Add method” in the opened window;
Fill in “Method name” field. If the method has arguments, click on “Add argument” button and select the type of argument. Fill in the “Value” field and click “Apply” button.
This subsection contains the configuration for RPC requests from ThingsBoard platform instance.
Default value
Name of method on OPC-UA server.
Arguments for the method (if this parameter doesn’t exist, arguments will be taken from RPC request).
Also, every telemetry and attribute parameter has built-in GET and SET RPC methods out of the box, so you don’t need to configure it manually. See the guide.
Path types
A Path type refers to the hierarchical address within the OPC-UA server’s namespace. It is used to navigate to specific
nodes in the server.
The path for the attribute value can be absolute or relative.
Absolute path
An absolute path specifies the full hierarchical address from the root of the OPC-UA server’s namespace to the
target node.
Gateway expects the node to exist and the value of “Root.Objects.TempSensor.Temperature” to be 23.54.
Converted data:
Relative path
A relative path specifies the address relative to a predefined starting point in the OPC-UA server’s namespace.
Gateway expects the node to exist and the value of “Root.Objects.TempSensor.Temperature” to be 23.56.
Device Node Expression:
Converted data:
Identifier types
An Identifier type is a unique ID assigned to a node within the OPC-UA server. It is used to directly reference
specific nodes without navigating through the namespace hierarchy.
The Identifier type in the OPC-UA connector configuration can take various forms to uniquely reference nodes
in the OPC-UA server’s address space. Identifiers can be of different types, such as numeric (i), string (s),
byte string (b), and GUID (g). Below is an explanation of each identifier type with examples.
Numeric Identifier (i)
A numeric identifier uses an integer value to uniquely reference a node in the OPC-UA server.
Converted data:
String Identifier (s)
A string identifier uses a string value to uniquely reference a node in the OPC-UA server.
Converted data:
Byte String Identifier (b)
A byte string identifier uses a byte string to uniquely reference a node in the OPC-UA server. This is useful for binary data that can be converted to a byte string.
Converted data:
GUID Identifier (g)
A GUID identifier uses a globally unique identifier (GUID) to uniquely reference a node in the OPC-UA server.
Converted data:
Next steps
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