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Installation > Installing TBMQ using Docker (Linux or Mac OS)
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Installing TBMQ using Docker (Linux or Mac OS)

This guide will help you to install and start standalone TBMQ using Docker on Linux or macOS. If you are looking for a cluster installation instruction, please visit cluster setup page.


To run TBMQ on a single machine you will need at least 2Gb of RAM.

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Don’t forget to add your linux user to the docker group. See Manage Docker as a non-root user.


Execute the following commands to download the script that will install and start TBMQ:

wget &&
sudo chmod +x && ./

The script downloads the docker-compose.yml file, creates necessary docker volumes, installs the database for TBMQ, and starts TBMQ. Key configuration points for TBMQ in docker-compose file:

  • 8083:8083 - connect local port 8083 to exposed internal HTTP port 8083;
  • 1883:1883 - connect local port 1883 to exposed internal MQTT port 1883;
  • 8084:8084 - connect local port 8084 to exposed internal MQTT over WebSockets port 8084;
  • tbmq-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data - maps the tbmq-postgres-data volume to TBMQ DataBase data directory;
  • tbmq-kafka-data:/bitnami/kafka - maps the tbmq-kafka-data volume to Kafka data directory;
  • tbmq-logs:/var/log/thingsboard-mqtt-broker - maps the tbmq-logs volume to TBMQ logs directory;
  • tbmq-data:/data - maps the tbmq-data volume to TBMQ data directory that contains .firstlaunch file after the DB is installed;
  • tbmq - friendly local name of this machine;
  • restart: always - automatically start TBMQ in case of system reboot and restart in case of failure;
  • SECURITY_MQTT_BASIC_ENABLED: "true" - enables MQTT basic security. Note: by default security is disabled.

Note: In case the TBMQ is being installed on the same host where ThingsBoard is already running, the following issue can be seen:

Error response from daemon: ... Bind for failed: port is already allocated

In order to fix this, you need to expose another host’s port for the TBMQ container, i.e. change the 1883:1883 line in the downloaded docker-compose.yml file with, for example, 1889:1883. After that re-run the script.


Once the installation process is complete you can access TBMQ UI by visiting the following URL http://{your-host-ip}:8083 in your browser (e.g. http://localhost:8083).

You should see TBMQ login page. Use the following default credentials for System Administrator:




On the first user log-in you will be asked to change the default password to the preferred one and then re-login using the new credentials.

Logs, stop and start commands

In case of any issues you can examine service logs for errors. For example to see TBMQ logs execute the following command:

docker compose logs -f tbmq

To stop the containers:

docker compose stop

To start the containers:

docker compose start


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Please note:
For the TBMQ 1.3.0 version, the installation scripts were updated to contain a new 8084 port for MQTT over WebSockets. This is needed for the correct work with the WebSocket client page.

Please pull the latest configuration files or modify your existing ones to include a new port entry. To find more details please visit the following link.

Once the required changes are made, you should be able to connect the MQTT client on the WebSocket client page. Otherwise, please contact us, so we can answer any questions and provide our help if needed.

In order to update to the latest version, execute the following commands:

wget &&
sudo chmod +x && ./

NOTE: replace db_url, db_username, and db_password variables in the script with the corresponding values used during DB initialization.

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