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Configuration properties

This guide will help you become familiar with TBMQ configuration files and parameters. We strongly recommend configuring TBMQ using environment variables. This way, you won’t need to merge the configuration files when a new platform release arrives.

The list of available configuration parameters and corresponding environment variables can be found here.

How to change configuration parameters?

Docker-Based deployment

If TBMQ is installed in a Docker Compose environment, you can edit the scripts and add environment variables for the corresponding containers. For more details, refer to the Docker documentation.

K8S-Based deployment

If TBMQ is installed in a K8S environment, you can edit the scripts and add environment variables for the corresponding deployments/stateful sets. For more details, refer to the K8S documentation.

Configuration parameters

The configuration file is written in YAML format. All configuration parameters have corresponding environment variable names and default values. To change a configuration parameter, simply modify its default value. For example:

  address: "${HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS:}"

In this case, ‘HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS’ is the environment variable name and ‘’ is the default value.

You can use the simple example below to add a new environment variable ‘HTTP_BIND_PORT’ with value ‘8084’.

export HTTP_BIND_PORT=8084

The parameters are grouped by system components. The list contains the name (address in thingsboard-mqtt-broker.yml file), environment variable, default value, and description.

HTTP server parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
server.shutdown SERVER_SHUTDOWN graceful Shutdown type (graceful or immediate)
server.address HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS HTTP Server bind address (has no effect if web-environment is disabled)
server.port HTTP_BIND_PORT 8083 HTTP Server bind port (has no effect if web-environment is disabled)
server.log_controller_error_stack_trace HTTP_LOG_CONTROLLER_ERROR_STACK_TRACE false Log errors with stacktrace when REST API throws exception
server.ssl.enabled SSL_ENABLED false Enable/disable SSL support
server.ssl.credentials.type SSL_CREDENTIALS_TYPE PEM Server credentials type (PEM - pem certificate file; KEYSTORE - java keystore)
server.ssl.credentials.pem.cert_file SSL_PEM_CERT server.pem Path to the server certificate file (holds server certificate or certificate chain, may include server private key)
server.ssl.credentials.pem.key_file SSL_PEM_KEY server_key.pem Path to the server certificate private key file. Optional by default. Required if the private key is not present in server certificate file
server.ssl.credentials.pem.key_password SSL_PEM_KEY_PASSWORD server_key_password Server certificate private key password (optional)
server.ssl.credentials.keystore.type SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE PKCS12 Type of the key store (JKS or PKCS12)
server.ssl.credentials.keystore.store_file SSL_KEY_STORE classpath:keystore/keystore.p12 Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate
server.ssl.credentials.keystore.store_password SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD thingsboard_mqtt_broker Password used to access the key store
server.ssl.credentials.keystore.key_alias SSL_KEY_ALIAS tomcat Key alias
server.ssl.credentials.keystore.key_password SSL_KEY_PASSWORD thingsboard_mqtt_broker Password used to access the key

MQTT listeners parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
listener.tcp.enabled LISTENER_TCP_ENABLED true Enable/disable MQTT TCP port listener
listener.tcp.bind_address LISTENER_TCP_BIND_ADDRESS MQTT TCP listener bind address
listener.tcp.bind_port LISTENER_TCP_BIND_PORT 1883 MQTT TCP listener bind port
listener.tcp.netty.leak_detector_level TCP_NETTY_LEAK_DETECTOR_LVL DISABLED Netty leak detector level: DISABLED, SIMPLE, ADVANCED, PARANOID
listener.tcp.netty.boss_group_thread_count TCP_NETTY_BOSS_GROUP_THREADS 1 Netty boss group threads count
listener.tcp.netty.worker_group_thread_count TCP_NETTY_WORKER_GROUP_THREADS 12 Netty worker group threads count
listener.tcp.netty.max_payload_size TCP_NETTY_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 65536 Max payload size in bytes
listener.tcp.netty.so_keep_alive TCP_NETTY_SO_KEEPALIVE true Enable/disable keep-alive mechanism to periodically probe the other end of a connection
listener.tcp.netty.shutdown_quiet_period TCP_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD 0 Period in seconds in graceful shutdown during which no new tasks are submitted
listener.tcp.netty.shutdown_timeout TCP_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 5 The max time in seconds to wait until the executor is stopped
listener.ssl.enabled LISTENER_SSL_ENABLED false Enable/disable MQTT SSL port listener
listener.ssl.bind_address LISTENER_SSL_BIND_ADDRESS MQTT SSL listener bind address
listener.ssl.bind_port LISTENER_SSL_BIND_PORT 8883 MQTT SSL listener bind port
listener.ssl.config.protocol LISTENER_SSL_PROTOCOL TLSv1.2 SSL protocol: see this link
listener.ssl.config.enabled_cipher_suites LISTENER_SSL_ENABLED_CIPHER_SUITES Sets the cipher suites enabled for use on mqtts listener. The value is a comma-separated list of cipher suits (e.g. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256). Defaults to empty list meaning all supported cipher suites of the used provider are taken
listener.ssl.config.credentials.type LISTENER_SSL_CREDENTIALS_TYPE PEM Server credentials type (PEM - pem certificate file; KEYSTORE - java keystore)
listener.ssl.config.credentials.pem.cert_file LISTENER_SSL_PEM_CERT mqttserver.pem Path to the server certificate file (holds server certificate or certificate chain, may include server private key)
listener.ssl.config.credentials.pem.key_file LISTENER_SSL_PEM_KEY mqttserver_key.pem Path to the server certificate private key file. Optional by default. Required if the private key is not present in server certificate file
listener.ssl.config.credentials.pem.key_password LISTENER_SSL_PEM_KEY_PASSWORD server_key_password Server certificate private key password (optional)
listener.ssl.config.credentials.keystore.type LISTENER_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE JKS Type of the key store (JKS or PKCS12)
listener.ssl.config.credentials.keystore.store_file LISTENER_SSL_KEY_STORE mqttserver.jks Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate
listener.ssl.config.credentials.keystore.store_password LISTENER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD server_ks_password Password used to access the key store
listener.ssl.config.credentials.keystore.key_alias LISTENER_SSL_KEY_ALIAS Optional alias of the private key. If not set, the platform will load the first private key from the keystore
listener.ssl.config.credentials.keystore.key_password LISTENER_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD server_key_password Optional password to access the private key. If not set, the platform will attempt to load the private keys that are not protected with the password
listener.ssl.netty.leak_detector_level SSL_NETTY_LEAK_DETECTOR_LVL DISABLED Netty leak detector level: DISABLED, SIMPLE, ADVANCED, PARANOID
listener.ssl.netty.boss_group_thread_count SSL_NETTY_BOSS_GROUP_THREADS 1 Netty boss group threads count
listener.ssl.netty.worker_group_thread_count SSL_NETTY_WORKER_GROUP_THREADS 12 Netty worker group threads count
listener.ssl.netty.max_payload_size SSL_NETTY_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 65536 Max payload size in bytes
listener.ssl.netty.so_keep_alive SSL_NETTY_SO_KEEPALIVE true Enable/disable keep-alive mechanism to periodically probe the other end of a connection
listener.ssl.netty.shutdown_quiet_period SSL_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD 0 Period in seconds in graceful shutdown during which no new tasks are submitted
listener.ssl.netty.shutdown_timeout SSL_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 5 The max time in seconds to wait until the executor is stopped LISTENER_WS_ENABLED true Enable/disable MQTT WS port listener LISTENER_WS_BIND_ADDRESS MQTT WS listener bind address LISTENER_WS_BIND_PORT 8084 MQTT WS listener bind port WS_NETTY_SUB_PROTOCOLS mqttv3.1,mqtt Comma-separated list of subprotocols that the WebSocket can negotiate. The subprotocol setting `mqtt` represents MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5 WS_NETTY_LEAK_DETECTOR_LVL DISABLED Netty leak detector level: DISABLED, SIMPLE, ADVANCED, PARANOID WS_NETTY_BOSS_GROUP_THREADS 1 Netty boss group threads count WS_NETTY_WORKER_GROUP_THREADS 12 Netty worker group threads count WS_NETTY_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 65536 Max payload size in bytes WS_NETTY_SO_KEEPALIVE true Enable/disable keep-alive mechanism to periodically probe the other end of a connection WS_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD 0 Period in seconds in graceful shutdown during which no new tasks are submitted WS_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 5 The max time in seconds to wait until the executor is stopped
listener.wss.enabled LISTENER_WSS_ENABLED false Enable/disable MQTT WSS port listener
listener.wss.bind_address LISTENER_WSS_BIND_ADDRESS MQTT WSS listener bind address
listener.wss.bind_port LISTENER_WSS_BIND_PORT 8085 MQTT WSS listener bind port
listener.wss.config.protocol LISTENER_WSS_PROTOCOL TLSv1.2 SSL protocol: see this link
listener.wss.config.enabled_cipher_suites LISTENER_WSS_ENABLED_CIPHER_SUITES Sets the cipher suites enabled for use on wss listener. The value is a comma-separated list of cipher suits (e.g. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256). Defaults to empty list meaning all supported cipher suites of the used provider are taken
listener.wss.config.credentials.type LISTENER_WSS_CREDENTIALS_TYPE PEM Server credentials type (PEM - pem certificate file; KEYSTORE - java keystore)
listener.wss.config.credentials.pem.cert_file LISTENER_WSS_PEM_CERT ws_mqtt_server.pem Path to the server certificate file (holds server certificate or certificate chain, may include server private key)
listener.wss.config.credentials.pem.key_file LISTENER_WSS_PEM_KEY ws_mqtt_server_key.pem Path to the server certificate private key file. Optional by default. Required if the private key is not present in server certificate file
listener.wss.config.credentials.pem.key_password LISTENER_WSS_PEM_KEY_PASSWORD ws_server_key_password Server certificate private key password (optional)
listener.wss.config.credentials.keystore.type LISTENER_WSS_KEY_STORE_TYPE JKS Type of the key store (JKS or PKCS12)
listener.wss.config.credentials.keystore.store_file LISTENER_WSS_KEY_STORE ws_mqtt_server.jks Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate
listener.wss.config.credentials.keystore.store_password LISTENER_WSS_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD ws_server_ks_password Password used to access the key store
listener.wss.config.credentials.keystore.key_alias LISTENER_WSS_KEY_ALIAS Optional alias of the private key. If not set, the platform will load the first private key from the keystore
listener.wss.config.credentials.keystore.key_password LISTENER_WSS_KEY_PASSWORD ws_server_key_password Optional password to access the private key. If not set, the platform will attempt to load the private keys that are not protected with the password
listener.wss.netty.sub_protocols WSS_NETTY_SUB_PROTOCOLS mqttv3.1,mqtt Comma-separated list of subprotocols that the WebSocket can negotiate. The subprotocol setting `mqtt` represents MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5
listener.wss.netty.leak_detector_level WSS_NETTY_LEAK_DETECTOR_LVL DISABLED Netty leak detector level: DISABLED, SIMPLE, ADVANCED, PARANOID
listener.wss.netty.boss_group_thread_count WSS_NETTY_BOSS_GROUP_THREADS 1 Netty boss group threads count
listener.wss.netty.worker_group_thread_count WSS_NETTY_WORKER_GROUP_THREADS 12 Netty worker group threads count
listener.wss.netty.max_payload_size WSS_NETTY_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 65536 Max payload size in bytes
listener.wss.netty.so_keep_alive WSS_NETTY_SO_KEEPALIVE true Enable/disable keep-alive mechanism to periodically probe the other end of a connection
listener.wss.netty.shutdown_quiet_period WSS_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD 0 Period in seconds in graceful shutdown during which no new tasks are submitted
listener.wss.netty.shutdown_timeout WSS_NETTY_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 5 The max time in seconds to wait until the executor is stopped

Kafka parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
queue.msg-all.consumers-count TB_MSG_ALL_CONSUMERS_COUNT 4 Number of parallel consumers for 'tbmq.msg.all' topic. Should not be more than the number of partitions in topic
queue.msg-all.threads-count TB_MSG_ALL_THREADS_COUNT 4 Number of threads in the pool to process consumers tasks. Should not be less than number of consumers
queue.msg-all.poll-interval TB_MSG_ALL_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.msg.all' topic
queue.msg-all.pack-processing-timeout TB_MSG_ALL_PACK_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT 20000 Timeout in milliseconds for processing the pack of messages from 'tbmq.msg.all' topic
queue.msg-all.ack-strategy.type TB_MSG_ALL_ACK_STRATEGY_TYPE SKIP_ALL Processing strategy for 'tbmq.msg.all' topic. Can be: SKIP_ALL, RETRY_ALL
queue.msg-all.ack-strategy.retries TB_MSG_ALL_ACK_STRATEGY_RETRIES 1 Number of retries, 0 is unlimited. Use for RETRY_ALL processing strategy
queue.msg-all.msg-parallel-processing TB_MSG_ALL_PARALLEL_PROCESSING false Enable/disable processing of consumed messages in parallel (grouped by publishing client id to preserve order). Helpful when the same client publishes lots of messages in a short amount of time. It is recommended to count the impact of this parameter before setting it on production
queue.application-persisted-msg.poll-interval TB_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from Application topics
queue.application-persisted-msg.pack-processing-timeout TB_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_PACK_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT 20000 Timeout in milliseconds for processing the pack of messages
queue.application-persisted-msg.ack-strategy.type TB_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_ACK_STRATEGY_TYPE RETRY_ALL Processing strategy for Application topics. Can be: SKIP_ALL, RETRY_ALL
queue.application-persisted-msg.ack-strategy.retries TB_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_ACK_STRATEGY_RETRIES 3 Number of retries, 0 is unlimited. Use for RETRY_ALL processing strategy
queue.application-persisted-msg.client-id-validation TB_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_CLIENT_ID_VALIDATION true Enable/disable check that application client id contains only alphanumeric chars for Kafka topic creation
queue.application-persisted-msg.shared-topic-validation TB_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_SHARED_TOPIC_VALIDATION true Enable/disable check that application shared subscription topic filter contains only alphanumeric chars or '+' or '#' for Kafka topic creation
queue.device-persisted-msg.consumers-count TB_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_CONSUMERS_COUNT 2 Number of parallel consumers for 'tbmq.msg.persisted' topic. Should not be more than the number of partitions in topic
queue.device-persisted-msg.threads-count TB_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_THREADS_COUNT 2 Number of threads in the pool to process consumers tasks
queue.device-persisted-msg.poll-interval TB_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.msg.persisted' topic
queue.device-persisted-msg.ack-strategy.type TB_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_ACK_STRATEGY_TYPE RETRY_ALL Queue processing strategy. Can be: SKIP_ALL, RETRY_ALL
queue.device-persisted-msg.ack-strategy.retries TB_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_ACK_STRATEGY_RETRIES 3 Number of retries, 0 is unlimited. Use for RETRY_ALL processing strategy
queue.device-persisted-msg.ack-strategy.pause-between-retries TB_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_ACK_STRATEGY_PAUSE_BETWEEN_RETRIES 1 Time in seconds to wait in consumer thread before retries
queue.retained-msg.poll-interval TB_RETAINED_MSG_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.msg.retained' topic
queue.retained-msg.acknowledge-wait-timeout-ms TB_RETAINED_MSG_ACK_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS 500 Interval in milliseconds to wait for system messages to be delivered to 'tbmq.msg.retained' topic
queue.client-session.poll-interval TB_CLIENT_SESSION_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.client.session' topic
queue.client-session.acknowledge-wait-timeout-ms TB_CLIENT_SESSION_ACK_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS 500 Interval in milliseconds to wait for system messages to be delivered to 'tbmq.client.session' topic
queue.client-subscriptions.poll-interval TB_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.client.subscriptions' topic
queue.client-subscriptions.acknowledge-wait-timeout-ms TB_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ACK_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS 500 Interval in milliseconds to wait for system messages to be delivered to 'tbmq.client.subscriptions' topic
queue.client-session-event.consumers-count TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_CONSUMERS_COUNT 2 Number of parallel consumers for `tbmq.client.session.event.request` topic
queue.client-session-event.max-pending-requests TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_MAX_PENDING_REQUESTS 10000 Number of pending client session events
queue.client-session-event.poll-interval TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.client.session.event.request' topic
queue.client-session-event.batch-wait-timeout-ms TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_BATCH_WAIT_MS 2000 Max interval in milliseconds to process 'tbmq.client.session.event.request' messages after consuming them
queue.client-session-event-response.response-sender-threads TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_SENDER_THREADS 8 Number of threads for sending event responses to session event requests
queue.client-session-event-response.poll-interval TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.client.session.event.response' topics
queue.client-session-event-response.max-request-timeout TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_MAX_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 100000 Max time in milliseconds for client session events before they are expired
queue.client-session-event-response.cleanup-interval TB_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL 100 Period in milliseconds to clean-up stale client session events
queue.disconnect-client-command.poll-interval TB_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_COMMAND_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.client.disconnect' topics
queue.persisted-downlink-msg.consumers-count TB_PERSISTED_DOWNLINK_MSG_CONSUMERS_COUNT 2 Number of parallel consumers for `tbmq.msg.downlink.persisted` topics
queue.persisted-downlink-msg.threads-count TB_PERSISTED_DOWNLINK_MSG_THREADS_COUNT 2 Number of threads in the pool to process consumers tasks
queue.persisted-downlink-msg.poll-interval TB_PERSISTED_DOWNLINK_MSG_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.msg.downlink.persisted' topics
queue.basic-downlink-msg.consumers-count TB_BASIC_DOWNLINK_MSG_CONSUMERS_COUNT 2 Number of parallel consumers for `tbmq.msg.downlink.basic` topics
queue.basic-downlink-msg.threads-count TB_BASIC_DOWNLINK_MSG_THREADS_COUNT 2 Number of threads in the pool to process consumers tasks
queue.basic-downlink-msg.poll-interval TB_BASIC_DOWNLINK_MSG_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from 'tbmq.msg.downlink.basic' topics
queue.application-removed-event.poll-interval TB_APPLICATION_REMOVED_EVENT_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from '' topic
queue.application-removed-event.processing.cron TB_APPLICATION_REMOVED_EVENT_PROCESSING_CRON 0 0 3 * * * Cron expression to when execute the consuming and processing of messages TB_APPLICATION_REMOVED_EVENT_PROCESSING_ZONE UTC Timezone for the processing cron-job
queue.historical-data-total.poll-interval TB_HISTORICAL_DATA_TOTAL_POLL_INTERVAL 100 Interval in milliseconds to poll messages from '' topic
queue.kafka.bootstrap.servers TB_KAFKA_SERVERS localhost:9092 List of kafka bootstrap servers used to establish connection
queue.kafka.enable-topic-deletion TB_KAFKA_ENABLE_TOPIC_DELETION true Enable/disable deletion of topics for Application MQTT Clients
queue.kafka.default.consumer.partition-assignment-strategy TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.StickyAssignor A list of class names or class types, ordered by preference, of supported partition assignment strategies that the client will use to distribute partition ownership amongst consumer instances when group management is used
queue.kafka.default.consumer.session-timeout-ms TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS 300000 The timeout in milliseconds used to detect client failures when using Kafka's group management facility
queue.kafka.default.consumer.max-poll-interval-ms TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS 300000 The maximum delay in milliseconds between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management
queue.kafka.default.consumer.max-poll-records TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_MAX_POLL_RECORDS 2000 The maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll()
queue.kafka.default.consumer.max-partition-fetch-bytes TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES 16777216 The maximum amount of data in bytes per-partition the server will return
queue.kafka.default.consumer.fetch-max-bytes TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_CONSUMER_FETCH_MAX_BYTES 134217728 The maximum amount of data in bytes the server should return for a fetch request
queue.kafka.default.producer.acks TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_PRODUCER_ACKS 1 The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete
queue.kafka.default.producer.retries TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_PRODUCER_RETRIES 1 Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error
queue.kafka.default.producer.batch-size TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_PRODUCER_BATCH_SIZE 16384 The producer will attempt to batch records together into fewer requests whenever multiple records are being sent to the same partition. Size in bytes
queue.kafka.default.producer.linger-ms TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_PRODUCER_LINGER_MS 5 The producer groups together any records that arrive in between request transmissions into a single batched request, set in milliseconds
queue.kafka.default.producer.buffer-memory TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_PRODUCER_BUFFER_MEMORY 33554432 The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server
queue.kafka.default.producer.compression-type TB_KAFKA_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE none The compression type for all data generated by the producer. Valid values are `none`, `gzip`, `snappy`, `lz4`, or `zstd`
queue.kafka.admin.config TB_KAFKA_ADMIN_CONFIG retries:1 List of configs separated by semicolon used for admin kafka client creation
queue.kafka.consumer-stats.enabled TB_KAFKA_CONSUMER_STATS_ENABLED true Prints lag if enabled between consumer group offset and last messages offset in Kafka topics
queue.kafka.consumer-stats.print-interval-ms TB_KAFKA_CONSUMER_STATS_PRINT_INTERVAL_MS 60000 Statistics printing interval in milliseconds for Kafka's consumer-groups stats
queue.kafka.consumer-stats.kafka-response-timeout-ms TB_KAFKA_CONSUMER_STATS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS 1000 Time to wait in milliseconds for the stats-loading requests to Kafka to finish
queue.kafka.consumer-stats.consumer-config TB_KAFKA_CONSUMER_STATS_CONSUMER_CONFIG List of configs separated by semicolon used for kafka stats consumer
queue.kafka.home-page.consumer-config TB_KAFKA_HOME_PAGE_CONSUMER_CONFIG List of configs separated by semicolon used for kafka admin client for home page
queue.kafka.home-page.kafka-response-timeout-ms TB_KAFKA_HOME_PAGE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS 1000 Time to wait in milliseconds for the home page requests to Kafka to finish
queue.kafka.msg-all.topic TB_KAFKA_MSG_ALL_TOPIC tbmq.msg.all Topic for persisting incoming PUBLISH messages
queue.kafka.msg-all.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_MSG_ALL_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:2147483648;partitions:24;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.all` topic
queue.kafka.msg-all.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_MSG_ALL_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.all` topic
queue.kafka.msg-all.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_MSG_ALL_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.all` topic
queue.kafka.application-persisted-msg.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `` topics
queue.kafka.application-persisted-msg.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG max.poll.records:500 Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `` topics
queue.kafka.application-persisted-msg.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `` topics
queue.kafka.application-persisted-msg.shared-topic.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_SHARED_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for application shared subscription topics
queue.kafka.application-persisted-msg.shared-topic.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_SHARED_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG max.poll.records:500 Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for application shared subscription topics
queue.kafka.application-persisted-msg.shared-topic.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_APP_PERSISTED_MSG_SHARED_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for application shared subscription topics
queue.kafka.device-persisted-msg.topic TB_KAFKA_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_TOPIC tbmq.msg.persisted Topic for persisting messages related to Device clients before saving them in Database
queue.kafka.device-persisted-msg.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:12;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.persisted` topic
queue.kafka.device-persisted-msg.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.persisted` topic
queue.kafka.device-persisted-msg.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSG_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.persisted` topic
queue.kafka.retained-msg.topic TB_KAFKA_RETAINED_MSG_TOPIC tbmq.msg.retained Topic for retained messages
queue.kafka.retained-msg.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_RETAINED_MSG_TOPIC_PROPERTIES segment.bytes:26214400;partitions:1;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.retained` topic
queue.kafka.retained-msg.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_RETAINED_MSG_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.retained` topic
queue.kafka.retained-msg.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_RETAINED_MSG_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG retries:3 Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.retained` topic
queue.kafka.client-session.topic TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_TOPIC tbmq.client.session Topic for persisting client sessions
queue.kafka.client-session.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_TOPIC_PROPERTIES segment.bytes:26214400;partitions:1;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.session` topic
queue.kafka.client-session.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.session` topic
queue.kafka.client-session.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG retries:3 Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.session` topic
queue.kafka.client-subscriptions.topic TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_TOPIC tbmq.client.subscriptions Topic for persisting client subscriptions
queue.kafka.client-subscriptions.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_TOPIC_PROPERTIES segment.bytes:26214400;partitions:1;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.subscriptions` topic
queue.kafka.client-subscriptions.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.subscriptions` topic
queue.kafka.client-subscriptions.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG retries:3 Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.subscriptions` topic
queue.kafka.client-session-event.topic TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_TOPIC tbmq.client.session.event.request Topic for sending client session event requests
queue.kafka.client-session-event.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:48;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.session.event.request` topic
queue.kafka.client-session-event.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG max.poll.records:1000 Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for ``tbmq.client.session.event.request`` topic
queue.kafka.client-session-event.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for ``tbmq.client.session.event.request`` topic
queue.kafka.client-session-event-response.topic-prefix TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_TOPIC_PREFIX tbmq.client.session.event.response Prefix for topics for sending client session event responses to Broker nodes
queue.kafka.client-session-event-response.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:1;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.session.event.response` topics
queue.kafka.client-session-event-response.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.session.event.response` topics
queue.kafka.client-session-event-response.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_CLIENT_SESSION_EVENT_RESPONSE_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.session.event.response` topics
queue.kafka.disconnect-client-command.topic-prefix TB_KAFKA_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_COMMAND_TOPIC_PREFIX tbmq.client.disconnect Prefix for topics for sending disconnect client commands to Broker nodes
queue.kafka.disconnect-client-command.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_COMMAND_RESPONSE_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:1;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.disconnect` topics
queue.kafka.disconnect-client-command.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_COMMAND_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.disconnect` topics
queue.kafka.disconnect-client-command.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_DISCONNECT_CLIENT_COMMAND_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.client.disconnect` topics
queue.kafka.basic-downlink-msg.topic-prefix TB_KAFKA_BASIC_DOWNLINK_MSG_TOPIC_PREFIX tbmq.msg.downlink.basic Prefix for topics for non-persistent Device messages that should be transferred to other Broker nodes
queue.kafka.basic-downlink-msg.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_BASIC_DOWNLINK_MSG_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:12;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.downlink.basic` topics
queue.kafka.basic-downlink-msg.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_BASIC_DOWNLINK_MSG_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.downlink.basic` topics
queue.kafka.basic-downlink-msg.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_BASIC_DOWNLINK_MSG_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG batch.size:32768 Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.downlink.basic` topics
queue.kafka.persisted-downlink-msg.topic-prefix TB_KAFKA_PERSISTED_DOWNLINK_MSG_TOPIC_PREFIX tbmq.msg.downlink.persisted Prefix for topics for persistent Device messages that should be transferred to other Broker nodes
queue.kafka.persisted-downlink-msg.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_PERSISTED_DOWNLINK_MSG_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:12;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.downlink.persisted` topics
queue.kafka.persisted-downlink-msg.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_PERSISTED_DOWNLINK_MSG_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.downlink.persisted` topics
queue.kafka.persisted-downlink-msg.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_PERSISTED_DOWNLINK_MSG_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `tbmq.msg.downlink.persisted` topics
queue.kafka.application-removed-event.topic TB_KAFKA_APPLICATION_REMOVED_EVENT_TOPIC Topic for sending events to remove application topics when application clients are changed to be device clients
queue.kafka.application-removed-event.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_APPLICATION_REMOVED_EVENT_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:1;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `` topic
queue.kafka.application-removed-event.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_APPLICATION_REMOVED_EVENT_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `` topic
queue.kafka.application-removed-event.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_APPLICATION_REMOVED_EVENT_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `` topic
queue.kafka.historical-data-total.topic TB_KAFKA_HISTORICAL_DATA_TOTAL_TOPIC Topic for sending historical data stats to be summed from each broker
queue.kafka.historical-data-total.topic-properties TB_KAFKA_HISTORICAL_DATA_TOTAL_TOPIC_PROPERTIES;segment.bytes:26214400;retention.bytes:1048576000;partitions:1;replication.factor:1 Kafka topic properties separated by semicolon for `` topic
queue.kafka.historical-data-total.additional-consumer-config TB_KAFKA_HISTORICAL_DATA_TOTAL_ADDITIONAL_CONSUMER_CONFIG Additional Kafka consumer configs separated by semicolon for `` topic
queue.kafka.historical-data-total.additional-producer-config TB_KAFKA_HISTORICAL_DATA_TOTAL_ADDITIONAL_PRODUCER_CONFIG Additional Kafka producer configs separated by semicolon for `` topic
queue.kafka.kafka-prefix TB_KAFKA_PREFIX The common prefix for all Kafka topics, producers, consumer groups, and consumers. Defaults to empty string meaning no prefix is added

General service parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription TB_SERVICE_ID Unique id for this service (autogenerated if empty)

Actor system parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
actors.system.throughput ACTORS_SYSTEM_THROUGHPUT 5 Number of messages the actor system will process per actor before switching to processing of messages for next actor
actors.system.scheduler-pool-size ACTORS_SYSTEM_SCHEDULER_POOL_SIZE 1 Thread pool size for actor system scheduler
actors.system.max-actor-init-attempts ACTORS_SYSTEM_MAX_ACTOR_INIT_ATTEMPTS 10 Maximum number of attempts to init the actor before disabling the actor
actors.system.processing-metrics.enabled ACTORS_SYSTEM_PROCESSING_METRICS_ENABLED false Enable/disable actors processing metrics
actors.system.disconnect-wait-timeout-ms ACTORS_SYSTEM_DISCONNECT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS 2000 Actors disconnect timeout in milliseconds
actors.persisted-device.dispatcher-pool-size ACTORS_SYSTEM_PERSISTED_DEVICE_DISPATCHER_POOL_SIZE 4 Number of threads processing the Device actor's messages
actors.persisted-device.wait-before-actor-stop-minutes ACTORS_SYSTEM_PERSISTED_DEVICE_WAIT_BEFORE_ACTOR_STOP_MINUTES 5 Minutes to wait before deleting Device actor after disconnect
actors.client.dispatcher-pool-size ACTORS_SYSTEM_CLIENT_DISPATCHER_POOL_SIZE 8 Number of threads processing the MQTT client actors messages
actors.client.wait-before-generated-actor-stop-seconds ACTORS_SYSTEM_CLIENT_WAIT_BEFORE_GENERATED_ACTOR_STOP_SECONDS 10 Time in seconds to wait until the actor is stopped for clients that did not specify client id
actors.client.wait-before-named-actor-stop-seconds ACTORS_SYSTEM_CLIENT_WAIT_BEFORE_NAMED_ACTOR_STOP_SECONDS 60 Time in seconds to wait until the actor is stopped for clients that specified client id
actors.rule.mail_thread_pool_size ACTORS_RULE_MAIL_THREAD_POOL_SIZE 4 Thread pool size for mail sender executor service
actors.rule.mail_password_reset_thread_pool_size ACTORS_RULE_MAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_THREAD_POOL_SIZE 4 Thread pool size for password reset emails executor service

Database time series parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
database.ts_max_intervals DATABASE_TS_MAX_INTERVALS 700 Max number of DB queries generated by single API call to fetch time series records

SQL configuration parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
sql.batch_sort SQL_BATCH_SORT true Specify whether to sort entities before batch update. Should be enabled for cluster mode to avoid deadlocks
sql.ts_key_value_partitioning SQL_TS_KV_PARTITIONING DAYS Specify partitioning size for timestamp key-value storage. Example: DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS, INDEFINITE
sql.ts.batch_size SQL_TS_BATCH_SIZE 10000 Batch size for persisting time series inserts
sql.ts.batch_max_delay SQL_TS_BATCH_MAX_DELAY_MS 100 Max timeout for time series entries queue polling. Value set in milliseconds
sql.ts.batch_threads SQL_TS_BATCH_THREADS 3 Number of threads that execute batch insert/update statements for time series data. Batch thread count have to be a prime number like 3 or 5 to gain perfect hash distribution
sql.ttl.ts.enabled SQL_TTL_TS_ENABLED true The parameter to specify whether to use TTL (Time To Live) for time series records
sql.ttl.ts.execution_interval_ms SQL_TTL_TS_EXECUTION_INTERVAL_MS 86400000 The parameter to specify the period of execution TTL task for time series records. Value set in milliseconds. Default value corresponds to one day
sql.ttl.ts.ts_key_value_ttl SQL_TTL_TS_KEY_VALUE_TTL 604800 The parameter to specify system TTL(Time To Live) value for time series records. Value set in seconds. 0 - records are never expired. Default value corresponds to seven days

SQL DAO configuration parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription SPRING_DATA_JPA_REPOSITORIES_ENABLED true Enable/Disable the Spring Data JPA repositories support SPRING_JPA_OPEN_IN_VIEW false Enable/disable OSIV
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto SPRING_JPA_HIBERNATE_DDL_AUTO none You can set a Hibernate feature that controls the DDL behavior in a more fine-grained way. The standard Hibernate property values are none, validate, update, create-drop. Spring Boot chooses a default value for you based on whether it thinks your database is embedded (default create-drop) or not (default none)
spring.datasource.driverClassName SPRING_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME org.postgresql.Driver Database driver for Spring JPA
spring.datasource.url SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/thingsboard_mqtt_broker Database connection URL
spring.datasource.username SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME postgres Database username
spring.datasource.password SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD postgres Database user password
spring.datasource.hikari.maximumPoolSize SPRING_DATASOURCE_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE 16 This property allows the number of connections in the pool to increase as demand increases. At the same time, the property ensures that the pool doesn't grow to the point of exhausting a system's resources, which ultimately affects an application's performance and availability
spring.datasource.hikari.maxLifetime SPRING_DATASOURCE_MAX_LIFETIME 600000 This property controls the max lifetime in milliseconds of a connection. Only when it is closed will it then be removed. Default is 10 minutes

General Spring parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
spring.lifecycle.timeout-per-shutdown-phase SPRING_LIFECYCLE_TIMEOUT_PER_SHUTDOWN_PHASE 1m The server will wait for active requests to finish their work up to a specified amount of time before graceful shutdown SPRING_JPA_HIBERNATE_JDBC_LOB_NON_CONTEXTUAL_CREATION true Setting this property to true disables contextual LOB creation and forces the use of Hibernate's own LOB implementation. Fixes Postgres JPA Error SPRING_JPA_HIBERNATE_ORDER_BY_DEFAULT_NULL_ORDERING last Default ordering for null values SPRING_DATA_REDIS_REPOSITORIES_ENABLED false Disables redis repositories scanning
spring.freemarker.checkTemplateLocation SPRING_FREEMARKER_CHECK_TEMPLATE_LOCATION false Spring freemarker configuration to check that the templates location exists
spring.mvc.async.request-timeout SPRING_MVC_ASYNC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 30000 The default timeout for asynchronous requests in milliseconds
spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy SPRING_MVC_PATH_MATCH_MATCHING_STRATEGY ANT_PATH_MATCHER For endpoints matching in Swagger

Security parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
security.mqtt.auth_strategy SECURITY_MQTT_AUTH_STRATEGY BOTH BOTH or SINGLE - the former means the first attempt of client authentication will be by 'basic' provider and then by 'ssl' provider if 'basic' is not successful; the latter means only one attempt is done according to the listener communication chosen (see listener.tcp/listener.ssl)
security.mqtt.basic.enabled SECURITY_MQTT_BASIC_ENABLED false If enabled the server will try to authenticate client with clientId and/or username and/or password
security.mqtt.ssl.enabled SECURITY_MQTT_SSL_ENABLED false If enabled the server will try to authenticate client with client certificate chain
security.mqtt.ssl.skip_validity_check_for_client_cert SECURITY_MQTT_SSL_SKIP_VALIDITY_CHECK_FOR_CLIENT_CERT false Skip certificate validity check for client certificates
security.jwt.tokenExpirationTime JWT_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME 9000 User JWT Token expiration time in seconds (2.5 hours)
security.jwt.refreshTokenExpTime JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME 604800 User JWT Refresh Token expiration time in seconds (1 week)
security.jwt.tokenIssuer JWT_TOKEN_ISSUER User JWT Token issuer
security.jwt.tokenSigningKey JWT_TOKEN_SIGNING_KEY Qk1xUnloZ0VQTlF1VlNJQXZ4cWhiNWt1cVd1ZzQ5cWpENUhMSHlaYmZIM0JrZ2pPTVlhQ3N1Z0ZMUnd0SDBieg== User JWT Token sign key
security.basic.enabled SECURITY_BASIC_ENABLED false Enable/Disable basic security options
security.user_login_case_sensitive SECURITY_USER_LOGIN_CASE_SENSITIVE true Enable/disable case-sensitive username login

MQTT parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
mqtt.connect.threads MQTT_CONNECT_THREADS 4 Number of threads for clients connection thread pool
mqtt.msg-subscriptions-parallel-processing MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PARALLEL_PROCESSING false Enable/disable processing of found subscriptions in parallel for published messages. Helpful when the "PUBLISH" message should be delivered to lots of subscribers. It is recommended to count the impact of this parameter before setting it on production
mqtt.pre-connect-queue.max-size MQTT_PRE_CONNECT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE 10000 Max number of messages that can be stored in queue before client gets connected and start processing them
mqtt.max-in-flight-msgs MQTT_MAX_IN_FLIGHT_MSGS 1000 Max number of PUBLISH messages not yet responded
mqtt.flow-control.enabled MQTT_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLED true Enable/disable flow control MQTT 5 feature for server. If disabled, the server will not control the number of messages sent to subscribers by "Receive Maximum". This feature works for MQTT 3.x clients as well when enabled. "Receive Maximum" for MQTT 3.x clients can be set using `MQTT_FLOW_CONTROL_MQTT_3X_RECEIVE_MAX` parameter
mqtt.flow-control.timeout MQTT_FLOW_CONTROL_TIMEOUT 1000 Timeout to wait in case there is nothing to process regarding the flow control feature. The separate thread is responsible for sending delayed messages to subscribers. If no clients are affected by flow control restrictions, there is no need to continuously try to find and send such messages
mqtt.flow-control.ttl MQTT_FLOW_CONTROL_TTL 600 Time in seconds to store delayed messages for subscribers. Delayed messages are those that can not be sent immediately due to flow control restrictions. Default is 10 minutes
mqtt.flow-control.delayed-queue-max-size MQTT_FLOW_CONTROL_DELAYED_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE 1000 Max allowed queue length for delayed messages - publishing messages from broker to client when in-flight window is full
mqtt.flow-control.mqtt3x-receive-max MQTT_FLOW_CONTROL_MQTT_3X_RECEIVE_MAX 65535 Receive maximum value for MQTT 3.x clients
mqtt.retransmission.enabled MQTT_RETRANSMISSION_ENABLED false Enable/disable MQTT msg retransmission
mqtt.retransmission.scheduler-pool-size MQTT_RETRANSMISSION_SCHEDULER_POOL_SIZE 0 Retransmission scheduler pool size (0 means the number of processors available to the JVM multiplied by 2 will be used)
mqtt.retransmission.initial-delay MQTT_RETRANSMISSION_INITIAL_DELAY 10 Initial delay for the msg retransmission in seconds
mqtt.retransmission.period MQTT_RETRANSMISSION_PERIOD 5 Increment period for the subsequent retransmissions of the msg in seconds (retransmission interval is increased by period for each run)
mqtt.write-and-flush MQTT_MSG_WRITE_AND_FLUSH true If enabled, each message is published to subscribers with flush. When disabled, the messages are buffered in the channel and are flushed once in a while
mqtt.buffered-msg-count MQTT_BUFFERED_MSG_COUNT 5 Number of messages buffered in the channel before the flush is made. Used when `MQTT_MSG_WRITE_AND_FLUSH` = false
mqtt.keep-alive.monitoring-delay-ms MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_MONITORING_DELAY_MS 100 Time in milliseconds between subsequent checks for the non-active clients
mqtt.keep-alive.max-keep-alive MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_MAX_KEEP_ALIVE_SEC 600 Max value in seconds allowed by the server for keep-alive that can be used by clients. Defaults to 10 minutes, used for MQTT v5 clients
mqtt.topic.max-segments-count MQTT_TOPIC_MAX_SEGMENTS_COUNT 0 Maximum number of segments in topics. If it's too large, processing of topics with too much segments can lead to errors. 0 means limitation is disabled
mqtt.topic.alias-max MQTT_TOPIC_ALIAS_MAX 10 Max count of topic aliases per connection. 0 indicates that the Broker does not accept any Topic Aliases for all connections meaning the 'Topic Alias' feature is disabled
mqtt.topic.min-length-for-alias-replacement MQTT_TOPIC_MIN_LENGTH_FOR_ALIAS_REPLACEMENT 50 Minimal required topic name length that Broker publishes to client that can be replaced with topic alias (e.g. if topic has more than 50 chars - it can be replaced with alias)
mqtt.shared-subscriptions.processing-type MQTT_SHARED_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PROCESSING_TYPE ROUND_ROBIN Processing strategy type - how messages are split between clients in shared subscription. Supported types: ROUND_ROBIN
mqtt.subscription-trie.wait-for-clear-lock-ms MQTT_SUB_TRIE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_LOCK_MS 100 Maximum pause in milliseconds for clearing subscription storage from empty nodes. If wait is unsuccessful the subscribing clients will be resumed, but the clear will fail
mqtt.subscription-trie.clear-nodes-cron MQTT_SUB_TRIE_CLEAR_NODES_CRON 0 0 0 * * * Cron job to schedule clearing of empty subscription nodes. Defaults to 'every day at midnight'
mqtt.subscription-trie.clear-nodes-zone MQTT_SUB_TRIE_CLEAR_NODES_ZONE UTC Timezone for the subscription clearing cron-job
mqtt.retain-msg-trie.wait-for-clear-lock-ms MQTT_RETAIN_MSG_TRIE_WAIT_FOR_CLEAR_LOCK_MS 100 Maximum pause in milliseconds for clearing retain msg storage from empty nodes. If wait is unsuccessful retain messages processing will be resumed, but the clear will fail
mqtt.retain-msg-trie.clear-nodes-cron MQTT_RETAIN_MSG_TRIE_CLEAR_NODES_CRON 0 0 0 * * * Cron job to schedule clearing of empty retain msg nodes. Defaults to 'every day at midnight'
mqtt.retain-msg-trie.clear-nodes-zone MQTT_RETAIN_MSG_TRIE_CLEAR_NODES_ZONE UTC Timezone for retain msg clearing cron-job
mqtt.retain-msg.expiry-processing-period-ms MQTT_RETAIN_MSG_EXPIRY_PROCESSING_PERIOD_MS 60000 Period in milliseconds to clear retained messages by expiry feature of MQTT
mqtt.client-session-expiry.cron MQTT_CLIENT_SESSION_EXPIRY_CRON 0 0 * ? * * Cron job to schedule clearing of expired and not active client sessions. Defaults to 'every hour', e.g. at 20:00:00 UTC MQTT_CLIENT_SESSION_EXPIRY_ZONE UTC Timezone for the client sessions clearing cron-job
mqtt.client-session-expiry.max-expiry-interval MQTT_CLIENT_SESSION_EXPIRY_MAX_EXPIRY_INTERVAL 604800 Max expiry interval allowed of inactive sessions in seconds. The current value corresponds to one week
mqtt.client-session-expiry.ttl MQTT_CLIENT_SESSION_EXPIRY_TTL 604800 Administration TTL in seconds for clearing sessions that do not expire by session expiry interval (e.g. MQTTv3 cleanSession=false or MQTTv5 cleanStart=false && sessionExpiryInterval == 0). The current value corresponds to one week. 0 or negative value means this TTL is disabled
mqtt.version-3-1.max-client-id-length MQTT_3_1_MAX_CLIENT_ID_LENGTH 1024 Max ClientId length for 3.1 version of protocol
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.limit MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_LIMIT 1000 Maximum number of PUBLISH messages stored for each persisted DEVICE client
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.ttl MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_TTL 604800 TTL of persisted DEVICE messages in seconds. The current value corresponds to one week
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.clean-up.cron MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_CLEAN_UP_CRON 0 0 2 * * * Cron job to schedule clearing of outdated persisted DEVICE messages. Defaults to 'every day at 2 o'clock' MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_CLEAN_UP_ZONE UTC Timezone for the DEVICE messages clearing cron-job
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.clean-up.session-ctx-page-size MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_CLEAN_UP_SESSION_CTX_PAGE_SIZE 1000 Max number of client sessions in one SELECT request
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.sql.update-packet-queue.batch-threads MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_SQL_UPDATE_PACKET_QUEUE_BATCH_THREADS 3 Number of parallel threads that process queue. Batch thread count have to be a prime number like 3 or 5 to gain perfect hash distribution
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.sql.update-packet-queue.batch-size MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_SQL_UPDATE_PACKET_QUEUE_BATCH_SIZE 100 Batch size for processing packet updates
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.sql.update-packet-queue.max-delay MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_SQL_UPDATE_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_DELAY 50 Max timeout for packet updates queue polling. Value set in milliseconds
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.sql.delete-packet-queue.batch-threads MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_SQL_DELETE_PACKET_QUEUE_BATCH_THREADS 3 Number of parallel threads that process queue. Batch thread count have to be a prime number like 3 or 5 to gain perfect hash distribution
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.sql.delete-packet-queue.batch-size MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_SQL_DELETE_PACKET_QUEUE_BATCH_SIZE 100 Batch size for processing packet deletes
mqtt.persistent-session.device.persisted-messages.sql.delete-packet-queue.max-delay MQTT_PERSISTENT_SESSION_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MESSAGES_SQL_DELETE_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_DELAY 50 Max timeout for packet deletes queue polling. Value set in milliseconds
mqtt.rate-limits.threads-count MQTT_RATE_LIMITS_THREADS_COUNT 1 The number of parallel threads dedicated to processing total rate limit checks for incoming messages
mqtt.rate-limits.batch-size MQTT_RATE_LIMITS_BATCH_SIZE 50 The number of messages to process in each batch when checking total rate limits for incoming messages
mqtt.rate-limits.period-ms MQTT_RATE_LIMITS_PERIOD_MS 50 The period, in milliseconds, to wait before processing a batch of messages for total rate limits for incoming messages MQTT_TOTAL_RATE_LIMITS_ENABLED false Enable/disable total incoming and outgoing messages rate limits for the broker (per whole cluster) MQTT_TOTAL_RATE_LIMITS_CONFIG 1000:1,50000:60 Limit the maximum count of total incoming and outgoing messages for specified time intervals in seconds. Comma separated list of limit:seconds pairs. Example: 1000 messages per second or 50000 messages per minute
mqtt.rate-limits.incoming-publish.enabled MQTT_INCOMING_RATE_LIMITS_ENABLED false Enable/disable publish rate limits per client for incoming messages to the broker from publishers
mqtt.rate-limits.incoming-publish.client-config MQTT_INCOMING_RATE_LIMITS_CLIENT_CONFIG 10:1,300:60 Limit the maximum count of publish messages per publisher for specified time intervals in seconds. Comma separated list of limit:seconds pairs. Example: 10 messages per second or 300 messages per minute
mqtt.rate-limits.outgoing-publish.enabled MQTT_OUTGOING_RATE_LIMITS_ENABLED false Enable/disable publish rate limits per client for outgoing messages from the broker to subscribers. Used only for non-persistent subscribers with QoS = 0 ("AT_MOST_ONCE")
mqtt.rate-limits.outgoing-publish.client-config MQTT_OUTGOING_RATE_LIMITS_CLIENT_CONFIG 10:1,300:60 Limit the maximum count of publish messages per subscriber for specified time intervals in seconds. Comma separated list of limit:seconds pairs. Example: 10 messages per second or 300 messages per minute
mqtt.rate-limits.device-persisted-messages.enabled MQTT_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSGS_RATE_LIMITS_ENABLED false Enable/disable Device clients persisted messages rate limits for the broker (per whole cluster)
mqtt.rate-limits.device-persisted-messages.config MQTT_DEVICE_PERSISTED_MSGS_RATE_LIMITS_CONFIG 100:1,1000:60 Limit the maximum count of Device clients persisted messages for specified time intervals in seconds. Comma separated list of limit:seconds pairs. Example: 100 messages per second or 1000 messages per minute
mqtt.sessions-limit MQTT_SESSIONS_LIMIT 0 Limit the total number of sessions (connected + disconnected) stored on the broker, not individually for each server (node) if it is a cluster, but as a collective limit. For example, when set to 1000 either the single broker node or cluster of 2 or X nodes can store 1000 sessions in total. It is a soft limit meaning a bit more than 1000 sessions can be stored. A setting of 0 means the limitation is disabled
mqtt.sessions-limit-correction MQTT_SESSIONS_LIMIT_CORRECTION false Enable/disable sessions limit value correction in the cache
mqtt.sessions-limit-correction-period-ms MQTT_SESSIONS_LIMIT_CORRECTION_PERIOD_MS 10800000 Period in milliseconds to execute the job to correct the value of sessions limit in the cache. Defaults to 3 hours
mqtt.application-clients-limit MQTT_APPLICATION_CLIENTS_LIMIT 0 Limit the total number of Application persistent clients. A setting of 0 means the limitation is disabled
mqtt.handler.all_msg_callback_threads MQTT_HANDLER_ALL_MSG_CALLBACK_THREADS 2 Number of threads in thread pool for processing all publish messages callbacks after sending them to Kafka
mqtt.handler.device_msg_callback_threads MQTT_HANDLER_DEVICE_MSG_CALLBACK_THREADS 2 Number of threads in thread pool for processing device persisted publish messages callbacks after sending them to Kafka
mqtt.handler.app_msg_callback_threads MQTT_HANDLER_APP_MSG_CALLBACK_THREADS 2 Number of threads in thread pool for processing application persisted publish messages callbacks after sending them to Kafka
mqtt.response-info MQTT_RESPONSE_INFO Response info value for MQTT 5 request-response feature to be returned to clients that request it. If not set the broker will not reply with response info to mqtt 5 clients that connect with "request response info" = 1. Set it to topic to be used for request-response feature, e.g. "example/"

DB connectivity parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
db.connection-check-rate-ms DB_CONNECTION_CHECK_RATE_MS 10000 The parameter to specify time interval in milliseconds to periodically check if the connection to the DB is still established

Cache parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
cache.type CACHE_TYPE caffeine Cache type: caffeine or redis
cache.stats.enabled CACHE_STATS_ENABLED true Enable/disable cache stats logging
cache.stats.intervalSec CACHE_STATS_INTERVAL_SEC 60 Cache stats logging interval in seconds
cache.cache-prefix CACHE_PREFIX The common prefix for all cache keys. Defaults to empty string meaning no prefix is added
cache.specs.packetIdAndSerialNumber.timeToLiveInMinutes CACHE_SPECS_PACKET_ID_SERIAL_NUMBER_TTL 1440 Cache TTL in minutes
cache.specs.packetIdAndSerialNumber.maxSize CACHE_SPECS_PACKET_ID_SERIAL_NUMBER_MAX_SIZE 10000 Cache max size. 0 means the cache is disabled in case CACHE_TYPE=caffeine
cache.specs.mqttClientCredentials.timeToLiveInMinutes CACHE_SPECS_MQTT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_TTL 1440 Cache TTL in minutes
cache.specs.mqttClientCredentials.maxSize CACHE_SPECS_MQTT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_MAX_SIZE 0 Cache max size. 0 means the cache is disabled in case CACHE_TYPE=caffeine
cache.specs.basicCredentialsPassword.timeToLiveInMinutes CACHE_SPECS_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD_TTL 1 Cache TTL in minutes. It is recommended to set this TTL as a small value to not store them for a long time (e.g. 1-5 minutes)
cache.specs.basicCredentialsPassword.maxSize CACHE_SPECS_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD_MAX_SIZE 0 Cache max size. 0 means the cache is disabled in case CACHE_TYPE=caffeine
cache.specs.sslRegexBasedCredentials.timeToLiveInMinutes CACHE_SPECS_SSL_REGEX_BASED_CREDENTIALS_TTL 1440 Cache TTL in minutes
cache.specs.sslRegexBasedCredentials.maxSize CACHE_SPECS_SSL_REGEX_BASED_CREDENTIALS_MAX_SIZE 1 Cache max size. 0 means the cache is disabled in case CACHE_TYPE=caffeine. Defaults to 1, as the cache is designed to store only a single key at any given time. Increasing the size is unnecessary for this use case

Redis configuration parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
redis.connection.type REDIS_CONNECTION_TYPE standalone Connection type: standalone or cluster or sentinel REDIS_HOST localhost Redis connection host
redis.standalone.port REDIS_PORT 6379 Redis connection port
redis.standalone.useDefaultClientConfig REDIS_USE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_CONFIG true Use the default Redis configuration file
redis.standalone.clientName REDIS_CLIENT_NAME standalone This value may be used only if you did not use the default ClientConfig, to specify client name
redis.standalone.connectTimeout REDIS_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 30000 This value may be used only if you did not use the default ClientConfig, to specify connection timeout
redis.standalone.readTimeout REDIS_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT 60000 This value may be used only if you did not use the default ClientConfig, to specify read timeout
redis.standalone.usePoolConfig REDIS_CLIENT_USE_POOL_CONFIG false This value may be used only if you did not use the default ClientConfig, to use pool config section
redis.cluster.nodes REDIS_NODES Comma-separated list of "host:port" pairs to bootstrap from
redis.cluster.maxRedirects REDIS_MAX_REDIRECTS 12 Maximum number of redirects to follow when executing commands across the cluster
redis.cluster.useDefaultPoolConfig REDIS_CLUSTER_USE_DEFAULT_POOL_CONFIG true If set false will be used pool config build from values of the pool config section
redis.sentinel.master REDIS_MASTER Name of master node
redis.sentinel.sentinels REDIS_SENTINELS Comma-separated list of "host:port" pairs of sentinels
redis.sentinel.password REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD Password to authenticate with sentinel
redis.sentinel.useDefaultPoolConfig REDIS_SENTINEL_USE_DEFAULT_POOL_CONFIG true If set false will be used pool config build from values of the pool config section
redis.db REDIS_DB 0 DB index
redis.password REDIS_PASSWORD DB password
redis.pool_config.maxTotal REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_MAX_TOTAL 128 Maximum number of connections that can be allocated by the connection pool
redis.pool_config.maxIdle REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_MAX_IDLE 128 Maximum number of idle connections that can be maintained in the pool without being closed
redis.pool_config.minIdle REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_MIN_IDLE 16 Minimum number of idle connections that can be maintained in the pool without being closed
redis.pool_config.testOnBorrow REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_TEST_ON_BORROW true Enable/Disable PING command sent when a connection is borrowed
redis.pool_config.testOnReturn REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_TEST_ON_RETURN true The property is used to specify whether to test the connection before returning it to the connection pool
redis.pool_config.testWhileIdle REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_TEST_WHILE_IDLE true Indicates whether to use the ping command to monitor the connection validity during idle resource monitoring. Invalid connections will be destroyed
redis.pool_config.minEvictableMs REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_MIN_EVICTABLE_MS 60000 Minimum time the connection should be idle before it can be evicted from the connection pool. The value is set in milliseconds
redis.pool_config.evictionRunsMs REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_EVICTION_RUNS_MS 30000 Specifies the time interval in milliseconds between two consecutive eviction runs
redis.pool_config.maxWaitMills REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_MAX_WAIT_MS 60000 Maximum time in milliseconds where a client is willing to wait for a connection from the pool when all connections are exhausted
redis.pool_config.numberTestsPerEvictionRun REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_NUMBER_TESTS_PER_EVICTION_RUN 3 Specifies the number of connections to test for eviction during each eviction run
redis.pool_config.blockWhenExhausted REDIS_POOL_CONFIG_BLOCK_WHEN_EXHAUSTED true Determines the behavior when a thread requests a connection from the pool, but there are no available connections, and the pool cannot create more due to the maxTotal configuration

Statistics parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
stats.enabled STATS_ENABLED true Enable/disable stats printing to the logs
stats.print-interval-ms STATS_PRINT_INTERVAL_MS 60000 Period in milliseconds to print stats. Default value corresponds to 1 minute
stats.application-processor.enabled APPLICATION_PROCESSOR_STATS_ENABLED true Enable/disable specific Application clients stats

Historical data statistics parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
historical-data-report.enabled HISTORICAL_DATA_REPORT_ENABLED true Enable/disable historical data stats reporting and persistence to the time series
historical-data-report.interval HISTORICAL_DATA_REPORT_INTERVAL 1 Period in minutes (1-60) to collect stats for each broker. Used in cron expression HISTORICAL_DATA_REPORT_ZONE UTC Timezone for the historical data stats processing

Metrics management parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include METRICS_ENDPOINTS_EXPOSE prometheus Expose metrics endpoint (use value 'info' to disable prometheus metrics)

Spring CORS configuration

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
spring.mvc.cors.mappings."[/api/**]".allowed-origin-patterns MVC_CORS_API_ALLOWED_ORIGIN_PATTERNS * Comma-separated list of origins to allow. '*' allows all origins. When not set, CORS support is disabled
spring.mvc.cors.mappings."[/api/**]".allowed-methods MVC_CORS_API_ALLOWED_METHODS * Comma-separated list of methods to allow. '*' allows all methods
spring.mvc.cors.mappings."[/api/**]".allowed-headers MVC_CORS_API_ALLOWED_HEADERS * Comma-separated list of headers to allow in a request. '*' allows all headers
spring.mvc.cors.mappings."[/api/**]".max-age MVC_CORS_API_MAX_AGE 1800 How long, in seconds, the response from a pre-flight request can be cached by clients
spring.mvc.cors.mappings."[/api/**]".allow-credentials MVC_CORS_API_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS true Set whether credentials are supported. When not set, credentials are not supported

Spring doc common parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
springdoc.api-docs.enabled SWAGGER_ENABLED true If false swagger API docs will be unavailable
springdoc.default-produces-media-type SWAGGER_DEFAULT_PRODUCES_MEDIA_TYPE application/json Swagger default produces media-type

Swagger common parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
swagger.api_path SWAGGER_API_PATH /api/** General swagger match pattern of swagger UI links
swagger.security_path_regex SWAGGER_SECURITY_PATH_REGEX /api/.* General swagger match pattern path of swagger UI links
swagger.non_security_path_regex SWAGGER_NON_SECURITY_PATH_REGEX /api/noauth.* Non-security API path match pattern of swagger UI links
swagger.title SWAGGER_TITLE TBMQ REST API The title on the API doc UI page
swagger.description SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION TBMQ open-source REST API documentation The description on the API doc UI page SWAGGER_CONTACT_NAME ThingsBoard team The contact name on the API doc UI page SWAGGER_CONTACT_URL The contact URL on the API doc UI page SWAGGER_CONTACT_EMAIL [email protected] The contact email on the API doc UI page
swagger.license.title SWAGGER_LICENSE_TITLE Apache License Version 2.0 The license title on the API doc UI page
swagger.license.url SWAGGER_LICENSE_URL Link to the license body on the API doc UI page
swagger.version SWAGGER_VERSION The version of the API doc to display. Default to the package version

Application info parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
app.version "@project.version@" Application version

Analysis parameters

ParameterEnvironment VariableDefault ValueDescription
analysis.log.analyzed-client-ids ANALYSIS_LOG_CLIENT_IDS List of Client Ids separated with comas. Additional events for those clients will be logged