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Retained Messages

Retained Messages is an MQTT feature that allows storing the “last known good” message for a particular topic on the broker and delivering the message to a client whenever the client subscribes to a matching topic.

There are a few important notes to mention regarding retained messages:

  • Only one message can be stored on the broker per topic.
  • The next message published on the same topic will replace the previous one.
  • The message with an empty payload published on the same topic will clear it entirely from that topic.
  • The subscribers for the topic will receive only the last message if available.

Publish Retained Message

In MQTT, the retained message refers to a regular publish message with the retained flag set to true. Let’s consider a simple command using mosquitto_pub to publish a retained message.

mosquitto_pub -d -h "YOUR_MQTT_BROKER_HOST" -p 1883 -D PUBLISH user-property hello world -q 1 -t demo/topic -V mqttv5 -m "Hello world" -r

Note, do not forget to put your hostname instead of YOUR_MQTT_BROKER_HOST. Make sure authentications are disabled. Otherwise, adjust the commands in this guide appropriately.

Payload, User Properties

To access and view the payload and user properties of the last message for a specific topic on the WEB UI Retained Messages page, please follow these steps:

  1. Open page Retained Messages.
  2. To view the payload of a retained message, click on the icon {}.
  3. To see the User Properties of retained message click on the icon []. Please note that if the button is disabled, the retained message does not have any user properties.

Deleting Retained Message

Deleting a retained message is a straightforward process. To remove a previous retained message, you can send a new retained message with a zero-byte payload to the specific topic associated with the retained message you want to delete. Subsequently, any new subscribers to that topic will no longer receive the previously retained message.

To delete a retained message for the topic demo/topic, you can use the following command, specifying the -n flag with a zero-byte payload:

mosquitto_pub -d -h "YOUR_MQTT_BROKER_HOST" -p 1883 -q 1 -t demo/topic -n -r

To delete retained messages using the WEB UI of TBMQ, you have two options based on the number of messages you want to delete:

  1. Deleting a Single Retained Message. Click on the icon ‘Delete retained message’ and confirm action.
  2. Deleting Multiple Retained Messages:
    • Select messages you want to delete.
    • Click on the ‘Delete retained messages’ button in the top right corner and confirm the action when prompted.

Clearing Empty Retained Message Nodes

Retained messages in the broker are stored in the memory using the Trie data structure, which is known for its efficient searching capabilities. The Trie (also called a prefix tree) is a tree-based data structure that allows for quick retrieval of information based on a key or a sequence of characters.

The Trie organizes the topic names in a hierarchical manner, where each node represents a topic level from the topic name. By using the Trie data structure, the broker can quickly locate and retrieve retained messages based on the topic filter provided by a subscribing client. This ensures that clients receive the retained messages they are interested in without significant delays, contributing to improved performance and responsiveness of the broker.

When a retained message is deleted, the broker removes the message payload from its memory and marks the node as empty. Over time, if many retained messages are deleted, there may be many empty nodes left in the broker’s memory. These empty nodes can cause inefficiencies and waste memory resources.

Clearing empty retained message nodes frees up memory resources and can improve the performance of the broker, as it can process MQTT messages more quickly when there are fewer empty nodes to search through.

To Clear empty retained message nodes click on the button ‘Clear empty retained messages nodes’ in the top right corner and confirm action.

Additionally, the broker is configured to clear empty retained message nodes by a scheduler. This is controlled by the following environment variables: MQTT_RETAIN_MSG_TRIE_CLEAR_NODES_CRON and MQTT_RETAIN_MSG_TRIE_CLEAR_NODES_ZONE.