- Adding new language
- Change platform language
- Translation editing
- Platform’s internalization
- Next steps
The Custom translation feature allows you to add new languages not currently supported by ThingsBoard, edit the existing locale translations, and gives opportunity to customize specific dashboard GUI elements.
Go to the “Custom translation” tab of the “White labeling” page. On this page, you will find the current list of available languages and their translation progress indicated in percentages. While not all translations are complete, our team is constantly working on improving and expanding the list.
On the custom translation page, you can customize any language according to your needs, download an existing language translation file in JSON format, or delete a language using the respective buttons.
Adding new language
To add new language, follow these steps:
- Go to the “Custom translation” tab of the “White labeling” page and click the “Add new language” button located at the top of the Custom translation window;
- In the new window, click on the “Language” field and select the language you need from the drop-down menu. The list is sorted by localization code. Then, click “Add”;

Go to the “Custom translation” tab of the “White labeling” page and click the “Add new language” button located at the top of the “Custom translation” window;

In the new window, click on the “Language” field and select the desired language from the drop-down menu. The list is sorted by localization code. Then, click “Add”;

You've successfully added a new language. Since translations for term keys have not yet been added, the translation progress is at 0%. By default, languages are sorted in alphabetical order by their localization code.
You’ve successfully added a new language. Since translations for term keys have not yet been added, the translation progress is at 0%. As you add translations, the translation progress bar will increase.
Change platform language
To change the ThingsBoard’s interface language, follow these steps:
Navigate to your profile by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen and select “Account” tab;
Click on the “Language” field and choose desired system language from the drop-down list. For example, Italian;
Click the “Save” button to apply the changes;
As you can see, some elements of the menu and text have been translated into Italian.

Navigate to your profile by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen and select “Account” tab;

Click on the “Language” field and choose desired system language from the drop-down list. For example, Italian;

Click the “Save” button to apply the changes;

As you can see, some elements of the menu and text have been translated into Italian.
After completing these steps, ThingsBoard’s interface language will be changed to the language of your choice. In this guide, we have chosen Italian as the system language for demonstration purposes. Next, we will set up a translation for it.
Translation editing
Translation can be configured using either basic or advanced approach:
- Within the “Basic” tab, you can manually add new term keys or edit translations for existing ones;
- In the “Advanced” tab, you can upload a translation language file in JSON format.
Translation editing using basic mode
Let’s consider manually adding translations for term keys:
Click on the “pencil” icon of the language you want to edit;
You will see a table with three columns: the term key, its default value (in English), and a field for entering the translation;
As you can see, not all translation fields are filled. Let's fill in the translation field for the “Home” menu item. Use the search to find the term key responsible for this menu item and enter its translation;
The entered value will be automatically saved and applied when you click outside of this row.

Click on the “pencil” icon of the language you want to edit;

You will see a table with three columns: the term key, its default value (in English), and a field for entering the translation;

As you can see, not all translation fields are filled. Let's fill in the translation field for the “Home” menu item. Use the search to find the term key responsible for this menu item and enter its translation;

The entered value will be automatically saved and applied when you click outside of this row.
The basic translating mode is convenient because you can apply different types of filtering:
ㅤ- Translated is a key that has a translation for the current language;
ㅤ- Untranslated is a key that has not been translated into the current language. This means that if you do not enter a translation for a key, its value will be displayed in English, as English is the default language;
ㅤ- Customized is a key for which the translation has been overridden from the parent level. E.g. if you have changed the translation of the key “home” to “my system’s home page”, this key is marked as customized;
ㅤ- Added key is a key added on the current level for current language or default one (English). When adding new keys, it’s necessary to provide an English translation (second column), as this key will also be added for all other languages.
To clear a custom translation or reset its value to the one specified by the system administrator, click the broom icon in the term key row.

To clear a custom translation or reset its value to the one specified by the system administrator, click the broom icon in the term key row;

The value has been reset to its default setting.
Translation editing using advanced mode
Advanced mode implies direct editing of JSON file that represents a custom translation. You can download any system locale translation, make all necessary changes you need and insert the prepared JSON translation map edit field. Let’s see how it works:
Click on the language to open its translation map;
Navigate to the “Advanced” tab, and then insert JSON from example below. After, click “Save”;
Check that the translation is applied (“Home” menu item should be translated to “Pagina principale di un sito web”).

Click on the language to open its translation map;

Navigate to the “Advanced” tab, and then insert JSON from example below. After, click “Save”;

Check that the translation is applied (“Home” menu item should be translated to “Pagina principale di un sito web”).
Example of the custom translation map:
"home": {
"home": "Pagina principale di un sito web"
"custom": {
"office":"Clienti di Office 1"
"my-dashboard": {
"title": "Dashboard per esempi"
"my-widget": {
"name":"Widget per dispositivo sensore",
"label-text": "Etichetta per dispositivo sensore",
"temperature": "Etichetta della temperatura",
"low-temperature": "Bassa temperatura",
"high-temperature": "Alta temperatura",
"normal-temperature": "Temperatura normale"
Platform’s internalization
Imagine you manage a dashboard that is accessed by customers from various countries. To ensure everyone can understand the dashboard easily, you may want the names of the dashboard, widgets, devices, data keys, and any other dashboard components to appear in customer’s specific language. This is where ThingsBoard’s internationalization feature comes into play.
To make translation of mentioned elements dynamic use structure in the format {i18n}. This structure ensures that the name of each element is pulled from the customer’s individual translation map.
Let’s see how it works.
Custom translation for the dashboard title
- First, set a custom translation for your dashboard title within a translation map, using JSON format. Here is an example of an entry for translating the dashboard title into Italian:
"custom": {
"my-dashboard": {
"title": "Dashboard per esempi"
- Navigate to the “Dashboards” page. You can either create a new dashboard or select an existing one. Open the dashboard details;
- Enter the dashboard editing mode. Set a custom translation for the dashboard title using a structure in the format {i18n}:
- Apply changes;
- Make sure the dashboard title is correctly translated according to the translation map. Then, open the dashboard;
- While in edit mode, click on the “Manage dashboard states” menu option. Locate the default dashboard state and enter its edit mode;
- Change the default dashboard state name to {i18n:custom.my-dashboard.title} and apply all changes;
- Finally, check that the dashboard state title is correctly translated as well.
 for the dashboard name in the translation map. In this example, we will use a translation map in JSON format;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/dashboard-internalization-1-pe-preview.png)
Specify custom translation for the dashboard name in the translation map. In this example, we will use a translation map in JSON format;
{:target="_blank"} or select an existing one. Open the dashboard details;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/dashboard-internalization-2-pe-preview.png)
Navigate to the “Dashboards” page. You can either create a new dashboard or select an existing one. Open the dashboard details;

Enter the dashboard editing mode. Set a custom translation for the dashboard title using a structure in the format {i18n}: {i18n:custom.my-dashboard.title}. Apply changes;

Make sure the dashboard title is correctly translated according to the translation map.
Custom translation for the widget title
- Set custom translation for the widget’s name, the temperature column title, and the entity label column title in the translation map, using advanced mode. Here’s an example entry:
"custom": {
"my-widget": {
"name":"Widget per dispositivo sensore",
"label-text": "Etichetta per dispositivo sensore",
"temperature": "Etichetta della temperatura"
- Open your dashboard on the “Dashboards” page. Add an Entities table widget or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;
- In the widget settings, set the custom translations for:
- Widget title - {i18n:custom.my-widget.name};
- Entity label column title - {i18n:custom.my-widget.label-text};
- Temperature column title - {i18n:custom.my-widget.temperature};
- Apply all changes;
- Check that the widget’s title, temperature column title, and entity label column title are correctly translated as per the translation map.
 for the widget's name, the temperature column title, and the entity label column title in the translation map;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-internalization-1-pe-preview.png)
Specify custom translation for the widget's name, the temperature column title, and the entity label column title in the translation map;
 or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-internalization-2-pe-preview.png)
Add an Entities table widget or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;

Apply translation to the widget title - {i18n:custom.my-widget.name}, temperature column title - {i18n:custom.my-widget.temperature}, and entity label column title - {i18n:custom.my-widget.label-text}. Apply all changes;

Save the dashboard;

Check that the widget's title, temperature column title, and entity label column title are correctly translated as per the translation map.
Custom translation for the widget tooltip
- Set custom translation for the widget tooltip title in the translation map, using advanced mode. Here’s an example entry:
"custom": {
"my-widget": {
"name":"Widget per dispositivo sensore"
- Open your dashboard on the “Dashboards” page. Add an Entities table widget or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;
- Navigate to the “Widget card” tab of the “Advanced” settings and set a custom translation for the widget title tooltip using a structure in the format {i18n} - {i18n:custom.my-widget.name};
- Apply changes;
- Hover on widget title and check applied translation.
 for the widget tooltip title in the translation map, using JSON format;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-tooltip-internalization-1-pe-preview.png)
Specify custom translation for the widget tooltip title in the translation map, using JSON format;
 or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-tooltip-internalization-2-pe-preview.png)
Open your dashboard on the “Dashboards” page. Add an Entities table widget or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;

Navigate to the “Widget card” tab of the “Advanced” settings and set a custom translation for the widget title tooltip using a structure in the format {i18n} - {i18n:custom.my-widget.name}. Apply changes;

Save the dashboard;

Hover on widget title and check applied translation.
Using custom translation in the cell content function
Custom translation can be used in the cell content function in widgets like Entity Table, Timeseries table and Alarms table. JavaScript code requires quotes for the i18n.
- Set custom translation for each cell content function value in the translation map, using advanced mode. Here’s an example entry:
"custom": {
"my-widget": {
"low-temperature": "Bassa temperatura",
"high-temperature": "Alta temperatura",
"normal-temperature": "Temperatura normale"
- Open your dashboard on the “Dashboards” page. Add an Entities table widget or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;
- Open the “temperature” data key configuration;
- Use cell content function. An example of the function we use is provided below:
- Apply all changes;
- Check the result. The value in the column responsible for temperature readings will change depending on the value of the incoming telemetry.
 for each cell content function value in the translation map, using JSON format;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-cell-content-function-internalization-1-pe-preview.png)
Define custom translation for each cell content function value in the translation map, using JSON format;
 or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-cell-content-function-internalization-2-pe-preview.png)
Open your dashboard on the “Dashboards” page. Add an Entities table widget or use an existing one and enter its editing mode;

Open the “temperature” data key configuration;

Use cell content function. Apply all changes;

Save the dashboard;

Check the result. If the temperature value is between 20 and 70 degrees, the result in the temperature column will be “Temperatura normale”;

If the temperature value is greater than 70 degrees, the result in the temperature column will be “Alta temperatura”;

If the temperature value is less than 20 degrees, the result in the temperature column will be “Bassa temperatura”.
JavaScript code example for cell content function
return "{i18n:custom.my-widget.high-temperature}";
}else if(value<20){
return "{i18n:custom.my-widget.low-temperature}";
return "{i18n:custom.my-widget.normal-temperature}";
Using custom translation in HTML Value Card widget
- Set custom translation for each cell content function value in the translation map, using advanced mode. Here’s an example entry:
"custom": {
"my-widget": {
"low-temperature": "Bassa temperatura",
"high-temperature": "Alta temperatura",
"normal-temperature": "Temperatura normale"
- Open your dashboard on the “Dashboards” page. Add a new widget - “HTML Value Card” from the “Cards” widgets bundle. Specify the device that transmits temperature readings as the data source;
- Now, navigate to the “Appearance” tab. Take the function from the example below and paste it into the “HTML” field. Click “Add”;
- Save the dashboard;
- Check the result. The value in the HTML Value Card will change depending on the value of the incoming telemetry.
 for the telemetry data;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-cell-content-function-internalization-1-pe-preview.png)
Specify custom translation for the telemetry data;
 - "HTML Value Card" from the "Cards" widgets bundle;](https://img.thingsboard.io/user-guide/custom-translation/widget-internalization-usage-in-html-value-card-2-pe-preview.png)
Open your dashboard on the “Dashboards” page. Add a new widget - “HTML Value Card” from the “Cards” widgets bundle;

Specify the device that transmits temperature readings as the data source;

Now, navigate to the “Appearance” tab. Take the function from the example below and paste it into the “HTML” field. Click “Add”;

Save the dashboard;

Check the result. The value in the HTML Value Card will change depending on the value of the incoming telemetry.

Example of using custom translation in the HTML Vale Card:
var description = document.getElementsByClassName('description')[0];
var temperature = ${temperature};
description.innerText = "{i18n:custom.my-widget.high-temperature}";
}else if(temperature<20){
description.innerText = "{i18n:custom.my-widget.low-temperature}";
description.innerText = "{i18n:custom.my-widget.normal-temperature}"
<div class='card'>
<div class='content'>
<div class='column'>
<h1>Thermostat Device</h1>
<div class='value'>
Temperature: ${temperature:0} °C
<div class='description'>
<img height="80px" src="http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconsmind/outline/512/Temperature-icon.png" alt="Temperature icon">
Next steps
Getting started guides - These guides provide quick overview of main ThingsBoard features. Designed to be completed in 15-30 minutes.
Installation guides - Learn how to set up ThingsBoard on various available operating systems.
Connect your device - Learn how to connect devices based on your connectivity technology or solution.
Data visualization - These guides contain instructions on how to configure complex ThingsBoard dashboards.
Data processing & actions - Learn how to use ThingsBoard Rule Engine.
IoT Data analytics - Learn how to use rule engine to perform basic analytics tasks.
Hardware samples - Learn how to connect various hardware platforms to ThingsBoard.